Sunday, October 24, 2010

Double Trouble....

We started to build that second level.  So far, it's just two bedrooms, an room for the stairs, and the hallway...  we couldn't afford all the windows we wanted.. but we managed to get all the doors... trust me, it was dicey there for a little bit, we forgot one!
 The blue room is Braham's future room, and the pink one is Ayslyn's ... we managed to get her a bed, nightstand, lamp, rug, dresser & mirror, desk, chair and another little light.  Her Daddy gave her some flowers too, on her birthday.
 The downstairs has only grown by a little longer hallway and a room for the stairs... 
 I'm glad we got it done during the early days of this pregnancy because, even though I'm not as sick as I was with Braham...  remodeling and morning sickness, it doesn't mix...
 I still can't believe that I'm pregnant again.  I went to the DR and he did a scan on my belly, he told me it's twins!!  Oh.... boy!!.... or... girls!?!?
 Ayslyn was so excited when we told her that her room was done that she ran down the hall in her night clothes....
 And went straight up to bed...   three in our big bed, it doesn't make for well slept nights.  We were all glad when she got her own bed!
 While Ayslyn was in school I worked with Braham on walking!!
 Took him a little while, but he got it down!
I asked Austin to work on potty training... he walked in to find the toilet clogged, course he had just come from the bathroom, so he's only got himself to blame!!
 After he washed his hands, and cleaned up the mess ... Braham was sitting on the potty chair like a big little boy!
 Then after that was down, Daddy worked on teaching Braham to talk!
 That came REALLY quickly...
 Meanwhile, whenever Ayslyn was home, she wouldn't leave my side.  Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter, but I could run away and she'd find me.  I swear there is a GPS tracker on me some where.   Regardless, Ayslyn and I have very special talks.  She even confided in me that she thinks she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
 I love my daughter more then anything...  well, I love all my kids the same but ... she'll always have an extra special spot being my first ...
 But I went and started a new book one night, Kissing a Leprechaun ...  and Ayslyn sat down on the other computer and started to play chess with someone....
 I sat down to read one of my pregnancy books, and she sat down to watch kids tv....  do you know how hard it is to read with the tv up really loud?!?
 I suggested to her that maybe she want to bake things with the toy oven she got and sell them out on the front lawn.  Being friends with our neighbors, I'm sure they'd at least buy stuff?  Right?   Anyway ...  I was craving watermelon BIG time during this pregnancy.  I don't know what it is .. but they are so good. 
 Asylyn took me up on the suggestion .... and she started baking ...
 She opened up her little bake stand with Vanilla and Blueberry muffins!!
 But when school started, her and her dad could always be seen running across the lawn...
 I was working hard on that book.  The last one took me ... what felt like a write.  This one, well it's coming along a little quicker ... but not to much...
 It felt like I was practically sitting through the whole pregnancy, writing writing writing ... 
 And when the contractions started.... EARLY .... I was scared...
 I considered going to the hospital, but it was to late.....
 First Cordelia Xara was born.... 5lbs 4oz ... 
 And then Contessa Xena was born at 5lbs even.  
 The next morning, in the paper....  the only mentioned Cordelia...  silly people at the paper!  I called them up and yelled at them.   Plus, they are calling us the Zeeth clan... seriously, we're Zimmerman now!!  Get it right people!  GET IT RIGHT!
 And little Braham...   little Braham... he's about to be big Braham!

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